I work in the realm of Transformation.

Transformation is not to be confused with change. 

Change is occasional and fleeting. It is incremental and knowable. 

Transformation is changing the very form or nature of something. It is discontinuous and unknowable. It is a breakthrough. 

What I teach all of my super busy clients who feel like there’s no time for anything but work–especially not their health–is that you can and must be the cause of your own Transformation. 


Through your Commitment. 

Until one is committed, there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back, always ineffectiveness.

The moment one definitely commits oneself to Transformation, then life rearranges itself to match the intention, because you have raised your energy to a higher frequency to create your intended result from your Commitment. 

So far as you keep telling yourself that there’s no time for anything but your business, that there’s no way you can start prioritizing your health, that you simply have nothing left in you to be a better leader, that you’re actually not much of a people person and don’t really need to go that BIG…

…it’s absolutely true. 

Whatever you tell yourself is true. 

We live in the most stressful time of world history…. 

With what feels like a never-ending demand of responsibilities and obligations pulling at us—it’s more convenient to commit to “change” than Transformation.  

Committing to change means you’ll reliably drop your commitment the very second you believe you need to switch gears back to your business. 

This is why you’ve likely started and stopped your health transformation more times than you can even remember…because you weren’t committed to Transformation. You were committed to change. 

This becomes an addictive cycle, where you end up not developing yourself in any other area of your life, actually letting certain crucial areas, like your health, deteriorate. 

I won’t get into the paradox of that, because if you’re caught in the overwhelm cycle then you need love and championing, not some Facebook post telling you “told ya so.” 

So here’s what I’ll say: If you’re committed to being “successful” and living a meaningful life and you’re not investing in your health (foundation) and personal development (growth), then how will you be successful if you’re not personally invested in improving yourself?  

Transformation is not possible in a life committed to change. 

A life committed to change is a life committed to playing small. 

You’re so much better than that. 

<3 Daniel 



