Hey, Daniel here!

Have you ever waited until Monday to start a new diet because you know you won’t stick to it over the weekend? Maybe you’ve fallen off track during a holiday, or you’ve had a blow out at a birthday party over the weekend.

Maybe you’re always “starting over” or “getting back on track” on Monday…

What happens to your diet when life happens?

I have this conversation with nearly every new client before we begin working together. They’re super excited to get started…then the excuses start rolling in.

They’re travelling in a few weeks. Or they’ve got a friend coming to stay. Or they’re having a big weekend get-together.

They say they’ll start after. They say they’ll start over.

This is what I tell them:

If you’re going to be successful at this forever, you’re going to have to learn how to BE in those circumstances.

You’re going to have to learn how to live in the grey. And that means not being perfect, because being perfect all the time isn’t possible. It means being ‘good enough.’

Let’s face it. Sometimes you’re going to want to have dessert on a night out. Sometimes you’re going to be on vacation and you’ll want to deviate a little bit.

And there’s a way of going “off plan” in which you’re actually completely on plan.

The answer is declaring what you’ll create.

The shift is to live in the grey. To practice having one “celebration meal” per week (screw “cheat meals” – let’s declare a celebration), or that little delicacy – and not fall into the trap of using that as validation to binge all day.

(You know the trap. You deviate slightly from your plan, and suddenly you’re saying “F**k it all”. And you just give up.)

That takes confidence. That takes resilience. That takes practice.

I still struggle with that mentality, and I’ve seen nearly every single one of my clients struggle with it…

They’ll start coaching with me, and they do really well for a few weeks. Then something happens: they plateau, or they binge, or their friends are coming to town…and they go completely off plan. They make a mistake, they feel like they’re going to break everything and they can’t do it.

I love it when this happens. Not because I’m an asshole.

Because that’s the eye-opening moment when we agree perfection is impossible. The difference is how quickly will it take to bounce back? To come back to center.

When you learn to bounce right back, you step closer to mastery. It’s that quickening of the bounce-back impulse that builds your confidence. That’s how you know you’re really growing.

Food is a constant, intimate part of our day. It’s part of our celebrations and holidays and our work. You need a diet that is compatible with your life in every circumstance. You need to learn how to be with the curveballs, not avoid them altogether.

We live in a world where there’s an onslaught of demands, stimulations and distractions coming at you, every single day, all the time…

There will never be that one perfect week or month to make the change. There is no start date. No finish date. This is forever.

So stop waiting for the “right time” to start. There will never be a good time.

Stop waiting to “get back on track.” If you commit to the process, then you’re always on track. Because you’re always “in life.”

Don’t wait until Monday. Your life is happening right now.

Let’s start today.

Much love,



