Let’s go back to Psychology 101 for a second.

Remember “Maslow’s hierarchy of needs”? It’s a theory of psychological and emotional health predicated on fulfilling innate human needs in priority from the bottom up, culminating in self-actualization at the very top.          

Your physical health and wellbeing is the bedrock of a meaningful and productive life.

I coach a lot of high-performers. Hustling entrepreneurs, in-demand CEO’s, and busy mothers. You name it. They juggle it all and appear to the outside world to be at the top of their game.

But the truth is…they’re not. Because of one simple habit: the way they eat.

As Maslow suggests, no matter how successful you are in other areas of your life, without solving for your diet and overcoming food’s grasp over you, you’ll literally always be weighed down by your preoccupation with food and dieting, or how you feel physically and psychologically.

When you’re not in alignment with your diet and eating, then your overall well-being suffers, and you’re holding yourself back from being your best self.

You’ll be out of alignment with yourself, and you’ll never reach a point of self-actualization.

Put simply….you cannot reach your full potential if you don’t eat well!

And eating well doesn’t mean a three-month lose-30-pounds-quick scheme. It means developing a healthy and nourishing relationship with our food, our wellness and ourselves, which ultimately leads to a productive and meaningful life.

And it’s challenging. Believe me, I know….

Modern life is really stressful. There are endless responsibilities, distractions, and stimulations coming your way at any given moment.  

If you’re confused about what to eat, or know what to eat but can’t seem to “get it right,” and feel like food is holding you back from reaching your full potential, you’re NOT alone. Millions of people struggle every single day with their weight, eating habits, energy levels, mindset and overall well-being.

So many people believe they should be able to figure out their eating habits by themselves. They think there must be something wrong with them if they can’t.

That’s nonsense.

If you’re successful in any area of your life, whether that be your business or family or faith, then you’ve very likely built a support structure for yourself. If you’re a business owner, you probably have an assistant or you’ve built a team to see through your vision and instructions; you certainly didn’t isolate yourself and try to do it on your own.

You need a team!

The most successful people in life have recruited and enrolled the best people around them to empower their vision.  

So why not do the same for your health? After all, it’s the bedrock of your life, and the key to your overall success. 

If you want to change your eating habits forever, you will need a support structure. You will need a professional to help you shift your way of being with and relation to food, to develop new habits, to train a new mindset, to teach you new coping strategies, and to guide you through the process…and to celebrate you for who you are.

That’s why I’m here. Because I want to see you succeed.  

It’s time to unlock your full potential.

<3 Daniel



